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Part Numbers

Please use this system to look up OEM smart part numbers. Each code was correct at the time of adding. However, we cannot be responsible for any parts that have become obselete or removed by smart. Should you spot any mistakes, please let us know via the contact us system.

If you are looking for a particular part number, please contact us with your VIN and as much detail as you can. We will look up the part number and get back to you. :)

  Name Description Part Number:
ABS front sensor securing bolt

Bolt which holds the ABS sensor to the car

Q000 4280 V002 0000 00
ABS front splash guard

Fits behind the front wheel bearing.

Q000 3855 V006 0000 00

Standard radio antenna

A451 905 11 00
Aerial base

Standard antenna base module.

A451 820 06 75
Aerial grommet

Grommet at aerial base.

Q001 3787 V003 0000 00
Airbag control unit (quad)

Airbag control unit for 4 airbags.

Q000 0055 V009 0000 00
Airbag control unit (twin)

Airbag control unit for 2 airbags.

Q000 1211 V008 0000 00
Airconditioning sealing ring (L)

Sealing ring for condenser.

A015 997 88 45
Airconditioning sealing ring (S)

Sealing ring for condenser.

Q000 8675 V000 0000 00
All weather mats (LHD)

Roadster floor mats

Q001 4799 V001 C51A 00
Alloy wheel - Coreline Front

Front wheel of "Coreline" design

Q001 5436 V001 C31L 00
Auto lights and Fog lights switch

Combined auto lights and fog lights switch.

Q001 5290 V002 C96A