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Part Numbers

Please use this system to look up OEM smart part numbers. Each code was correct at the time of adding. However, we cannot be responsible for any parts that have become obselete or removed by smart. Should you spot any mistakes, please let us know via the contact us system.

If you are looking for a particular part number, please contact us with your VIN and as much detail as you can. We will look up the part number and get back to you. :)

  Name Description Part Number:
Seatbelt and tensioner (451)

Seatbelt and tensioner for the fortwo 451.

A451 860 32 85
Service grille clip

Clips which hold the front service grilles in place.

Q000 2706 V003 0000 00
Shock absorber clamp

Part for removing the top nut of the shock absorber.

This clamp can be fitted around the shaft of the shock absorber to provide some grip when attempting to free the suspension top mount nut. This part number will only get you the clamp as indicated in the picture. You will need to order the spanner separately.
Sparkplug (451)

Standard part number for a single fortwo 451 spark plug.

A132 159 00 03
Sparkplug (599cc)

smart part number for 599cc engine sparkplugs.

Q000 3085 V005 0000 00
Sparkplug (698cc)

smart part number for 698cc engine sparkplugs.

Q001 2468 V002 0000 00
Split rivet D6

Side skirt mounting split rivets.

Q000 1789 V000 0000 00
Split rivets UH062A

Panel assembly split rivet.

Q000 7370 V000 0000 00
Stalk end cap (Ralley Red)

Indicator and wiper stalk end cap

A450 689 00 72
Stalk end cap (River Silver)

Indicator and wiper stalk end cap

Q000 0009 V007 CC7A 00
Stalk end cap (Saturn Grey)

Indicator and wiper stalk end cap in Saturn Grey.

Q000 0009 V007 CB2A 00
Starter motor

Engine starter motor for petrol engines.

Q000 3188 V008 0000 00
Steering wheel (paddle shift)

Sports steering wheel with paddles.

Q000 8772 V004 C96A 00

Sump / Oil Pan

A160 014 00 02
Sump bolt

Sump securing bolts.

MN 00 00 00 00 1115