Drive lock control

Drive lock is a system fitted to all 698cc fortwos from 2003 onwards.

The whole purpose of the system is to lock to doors as soon as the car reaches 8mph, the idea is to help reduce the risk of being car jacked as the external handles are deadlocked.

As soon as a door is opened from the inside, unlocked with the key fob or activation of the emergency system in the event of a crash the car will unlock allowing use of the exterior handles.

This system has its obvious uses although some find it frustrating and wish to deactivate it, to do this follow the procedure below:

To de-activate the system:

  • Press and hold the lock button on the warning triangle.
  • Press the unlock button on the key fob.

To re-activate the system:

  • Press and hold the lock button on the warning triangle.
  • Press the lock button on the key fob.

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