Wiring Roadster pods in a fortwo

To fit the Roadster pods into a fortwo it is best to replicate the smart standard wiring of a Roadster. This modification is only possible to retrofit on G2 fortwo's (2003 onwards) as Smart totally changed the wiring setup on this year to the later system.

We took extra time to trace the correct wiring to avoid tapping off an unnecessary power supply. The pods in the roadster are fitted with an 'adapter' cable which allows the option to plug into the trip computer (this uses the same connections).

The pods have a 6 pin connection, the adapter cable has a 10 pin connection.
Pin 1 on the pod cable relates to pin 2 on the adapter cable, and so forth until pin 6 on the pods relates to pin 7 on the adapter.

We used a section of the original roadster loom to aid us with the wire colours.

Due to where these pods have been mounted, the wires have been neatly threaded down the inside of the Trid...

...and exit just next to the SAM unit in the passenger footwell.

The SAM unit on the smart has reference designations in the format 'N11-X' where X is a socket location.
There are 11 socket locations on the unit.

From the adapter cable:
pin 2 = Green/Blue (0.5A) --> pin 10 on socket 8
pin 3 = Violet (0.5A) --> pin 14 on socket 9 **
pin 4 = Brown (0.5A) --> to chassis earth
pin 5 = Red/White (1.5A) --> pin 3 on socket 2
pin 6 = Blue (1.0A) --> pin 4 on socket 3
pin 7 = Brown/White (1.0A) --> pin 7 on socket 5

**To note, pin 3 is not an existing wire on the fortwo loom so must be added, we retained the correct 'violet' wire just for completeness!

Finally... secure up your wiring...

...and refit the interior trim!

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