SAM unit removal

On the very rare occasion you may need to remove the SAM, ensure that you take added care as damage of the SAM could result in a very costly bill. The SAM is the central control system and you can't run the car without it.

Never work on the SAM with the battery connected. As a starting point, disconnect the battery starting with the ground connection. A guide for accessing the battery can be found here.

Leave the car for at least 10 minutes to allow any residual charge to drain out of the electronics. The SAM is located within the left hand foot well. If your car is right hand drive then this is the passenger foot well. If it is a left hand drive then the SAM is under the steering wheel.

There is a release handle located at the lower edge of the SAM before the relays. Pull this and allow the SAM to drop at the front. Push the top of the SAM unit to unclip it from its mounting bracket. The SAM will now lower.

If you have additional fuses plugged into the side of the SAM, you can remove these by pushing the little black tab next to the fuse carrier (solid arrow). At the same time, pull the fuse carrier down.

You can now begin to unplug all the wiring connectors from the back of the SAM. Note that each connector has a tab which needs to be pressed to release it.

As you get to the connectors with several wires attached (at the furthest end), you need to swing down the grey arm before the connector comes free. The following sequence shows what you are trying to do.

Finally, you need to remove the large supply cable. The terminal is covered with a red cap which simply unclips.

Use a 10mm socket to undo the securing nut on the terminal. The nut is captive to the terminal so you won't lose it.

The SAM will now be free.

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